For dissolution in non-pharmaceutical applications contact us.
Capsule Dissolution Time: In Vitro
Dissolution in 37C (98F) Water
Capsule Dissolution Time: In-Vivo Data
Dissolution of a Size 7 Capsule filled with Lactose Powder in a Fistulated Cow
The photograph above clearly shows that a Size 7 gelatin capsule is dissolved rapidly by the rumen contents within 10 - 15 minutes.
Further, the rate controlling step in bioavailability of materials dosed via gelatin capsules is the nature of the material itself and not the delivery system or excepients. The photographs are of a Torpac Gelatin Capsule removed from a fistulated cow 5, 10, and 15 minutes after placement.
For further information and a copy of the test study, please contact Torpac.